Monday, September 21, 2015

And so it begins....

And so it begins.....

Sometimes we all need an extra push of motivation. To be completely honest, everything in my life is going pretty well. But I know I can dig deeper. I know I can keep learning more about myself, what I am capable of doing physically, mentally, and emotionally; however, sometimes I stop and wonder why I need to work as hard as I do, which then makes it easy to talk myself out pushing myself just that much further. To the brink. Where is my brink????

I've always liked goals and deadlines, so why not create one for myself now? Husband and I are going to Hawaii for Christmas, and I want to use that trip as my motivation to see just how physically capable I am. He already kind of laughed when I told him this, saying, "you already are in the best shape of your life!" But that's not what it's about. It's about testing myself. It's about not being afraid. It's about accepting a challenge and being proud. It's about practicing what I preach and inspiring others.

I'm also going to work on myself emotionally and mentally. Not everything in my life needs to be high intensity. I need to reflect. I need soft moments of silence. I need self-reflection. I need personal growth. In just a few minutes I'm headed to the library to pick up Brian Willis's Warrior Pose: How Yoga (Literally) Saved My Life. A local group of yogis picked this as their book club's next read, and just from reading the forward, I'm captivated.

I also vow to return to having meditation everyday. I was pretty good at this all summer, and I noticed a great sense of peace and calmness enter my life, but I fell off track for no apparent reason.

So here we go. Already this morning I promised one of my clients that I would take my work's SmartFit class with her so I could be there for her first class. Kicked my butt....well my shoulders. Best time to drop-in for a class too. We focused on snatch technique, which is my least favorite Olympic lift because of past shoulder issues. But that's what this is all about. No excuses. Push myself. Learn what I'm capable of.....

Here's to the last part of 2015! May we all sweat, sparkle, and strive for a fulfilling life!

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